In this article, we will introduce the wiki profile of the Chinese beauty cosplayer, 一只废喵(NEKO).
English follows!!
Cosplay, it’s the fusion of imagination and reality.
A moment where you transform from your everyday self into a character, stepping into their world.
These enchanting moments, like magic, are heartily enjoyed by many.
When cosplayers fully immerse themselves in a character, it truly feels like witnessing magic in action.
They employ costumes, makeup, poses, and every tool at their disposal to whisk us away to another world.
In this realm, the characters’ unique personalities and charm come to life, drawing us in.
Among them, there are cosplayers who regularly capture attention on Twitter.
This time, let’s shine a spotlight on one such cosplayer who gained fame for her married woman cosplays, One只废喵(NEKO).
中国美女コスプレイヤー一只废喵(NEKO) wiki profile
彼女はなんと、Twitterで人妻のエチエチなコスプレをしたことで有名になっちゃったんだ! 😳🔥
その豊満なバストは、誰しもが釘付けにされること間違いなし! 😍💖
Now, let’s focus our spotlight on One只废喵(NEKO)!
Guess what? She became famous for her steamy married woman cosplays on Twitter! 😳🔥
Her ample bust is bound to captivate anyone! 😍💖
Name(名前) | 一只废喵 |
Birthday(誕生日) | 2004/02/03 |
Place of birth(出身地) | China |
Residence(在住) | |
Height(身長) | |
Size(サイズ) | ? |
Hobby(趣味) | |
Skill(特技) | |
Activity in Japan(活動履歴) | |
X(Twitter) ID | @Haiyi_NEKO |
Instagram ID | |
weibo ID | 6215423070 |
Fantia | https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/133192 |
彼女のエチエチなコスプレは、多くのファンから熱烈な支持を受けているよ! 🙌🌟
その魅力に引き寄せられて、彼女のファンは日々増加中! 🔥✨
There’s still quite a bit of information lacking, and many aspects remain undiscovered in my network.
I’m diligently investigating. (`・ω・´)ゞ
Her steamy cosplays have garnered passionate support from numerous fans! 🙌🌟
Attracted by her charm, her fanbase is growing day by day! 🔥✨
Her cosplays truly are like a magical enchantment that continues to captivate us!
(While writing this in an “uncle” style, I couldn’t help but think, married woman cosplays are quite unique, aren’t they, haha.)
We really want to see her in person soon!
一只废喵(NEKO)’s photo
English follows!
彼女の美しいバストと美しいボディ! 😳
それは、実に見事で魅力的だよね(*‘ω‘ *)
その豊かなバストとしなやかで柔らかそうな身体は、人々を引き付け、彼女のコスプレをますます魅力的にしています。 🌟
その魅力に引き寄せられて、彼女のファンは日々増加中! 🔥✨
Her beautiful bust and stunning figure! 😳
They are truly splendid and captivating, right? (*‘ω‘ *)
Those ample curves and the supple, soft-looking physique attract people and make her cosplays even more enchanting. 🌟
Attracted by this charm, her fanbase is growing day by day! 🔥✨
一只废喵(NEKO) まとめ(wrap-up)
English follows!
コスプレの魅力は無限大だよね! 😄✨
そして、その魅力を最大限に引き出すコスプレイヤーがたくさんいる中でも、一只废喵(NEKO)はそのセクシーな魅力で私たちを魅了し続けているんだ! 🌟
彼女のコスプレを見て、きっとみんなも魔法にかかっちゃうこと間違いなし! 🔥💫
これからも、彼女の魅力的なコスプレに注目だね! 😉👏
The charm of cosplay is infinite, isn’t it! 😄✨
And among the many cosplayers who bring out this charm to the fullest, one只废喵(NEKO) continues to captivate us with her sexy allure! 🌟
When you see her cosplays, there’s no doubt you’ll be enchanted too! 🔥💫
Let’s keep an eye on her fascinating cosplays in the future! 😉👏
Until then, see you in the next article. The world of cosplay awaits!